
If you have come to this legacy Collaboro platform URL, then you need to pop us a note, either via email (operations@collaboro.com), or using the form below.

This platform has now been put into hibernation – finally! All customer assets and metadata have been shifted to our new platform over the last 2 years, with credentials supplied to all usual users.

If you are without creds for your new Collaboro platform, and/or have not had any user training or a demonstration, then please let the team know through this form! We’ll be in touch poste haste to get you onto it.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Want to chat?
Call us 9-5 Monday to Friday
Phone number +61280393540

Need to send us something?
Level 8, 275 Alfred Street,
North Sydney NSW 2060

Book a demo