
Top Five Content Marketing Trends In 2019

As we enter 2019, technology is enabling more intelligent content to be created, while consumers are demanding more facts before they make a purchase. This is putting more pressure on marketers to tailor content that informs, rather than simply sells. Here, are what we predict to be the Top Five Content Marketing Trends in 2019. 

Trend 1. Automated personalised marketing
The rise of data science is enabling all organisations to read their customers better than ever before The increased ability to mine data from consumers has provided businesses with a greater understanding of what their customers want and to tailor their offerings accordingly. Importantly, data science can be used to measure the outcomes of the marketing campaigns and to create targeted content.

Never before have we had access to such insights and been able to leverage data to engage, market our goods and make sales. So, if your business isn’t analysing data to deliver insights and relevance to your next campaign, get a data scientist on deck.

Trend 2. More educational content 
Educational content about products and services fosters a greater understanding of why we need something. More and more, savvy businesses are informing consumers about their goods and services.

Supplying educational content is just another way to distinguish your brand and earn it some additional credibilityMedibank’s educational marketing strategy, for example, involves releasing approximately five videos per month, aiming to foster an understanding of health, fitness and what private health insurance really is. It’s a winning campaign and it isn’t just spin. Medibank’s ‘Medibank 100’ campaign involves conversations with diverse Australians and includes facts and figures which can help people make better and more informed decisions about private health insurance.

Trend 3.  Influencer strategy and engagement
The rise of the D-list celebrity will become more pronounced in 2019. Already, online influences such as Instagram stars, sporting heroes, and voices of Twitter have greater reach with audiences than some traditional media.  They’re famous faces that we know but can’t remember why we know them or for what purpose.  Yet their reach is invaluable.  Just take a look at the recently crowned worlds youngest self-made billionaire Kylie Jenner the power of social media to her incredible success.

Of course, you don’t need the budget to hire someone the likes of Kylie Jenner. A locally based influencer with a strong following that aligns with your target demographic is sure to generate interest.

Trend 4. AI used to create personalised advertising campaigns
Artificial intelligence (AI) will be used increasingly in 2019 to create personalised advertising campaigns that can multiply the effectiveness of online advertising. An example is Pencil, which is a creative AI tool that enables brands to craft massive personalised ad campaigns, multiplying the effectiveness of online advertising.

AI will also enable organisations to research and develop crucial marketing aspects, such as keyword searches, trends and current audience response, which all means faster campaign ability. AI-based algorithms on websites can also match how each user best responds to marketing material.  We are just seeing the beginning of machine learning and AI to market goods, so it now is a good time to get on board and fire up your marketing team with tech experts who can write the algorithms.

Trend 5.  Storing it on the cloud
The rise in intelligent content depends very much on the existence of the cloud. Imagine a business has hundreds of pieces of digital media, each with different elements, all tagged using scene, facial and object recognition.

If this data is stored intelligently on the cloud, the business can rapidly deploy and share owned assets. Connecting this content library to marketing teams, agency teams and their relevant digital marketing platforms is core to being agile, efficient and ready for 2019.

If you have an AI-powered engine such as Collaboro you can search your library just like you would Google.  If something incredible happens in the news with say Tommy Little, and you’ve used him in your marketing materials before – the last thing you want to be doing is searching through multiple folder structures to find the footage. With an AI-powered cloud simply searching “Tommy Little” will provide you with all footage, so your rapid spin off is quick to market. There’s nothing more satisfying than on trend content.


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